Forget me not and fun in the park

Mom agreed to take a little walk in our park with us.

The flowers are out and the birds are singing, which means only one thing - we had fun. 

In our local park we met carpet of beautiful blue flowers forget me not. They are such cute as a blue sky. 

While Mom listened to the little blackbird chirping, we quickly picked up some trash left on the park path. Next time we'll bring gloves and a bag to clean up some more rubbish. On the way we saw people exercising in the park and running. Some of them were very tired. We followed them a few steps to see how they exercise. We found a place by the pond where ducks swim. Some of peaople were smiled.



Sleeping ducks in the park 


Running people in the park

Forget me not flowers


At the end we had a quick round on the equipment in the park. Next time we will show you how we cleaned the rubbish , just keep it secret. 

Up to next time /|\(◦.◦)/|\




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